FREE VPN for bloggers
We encourage bloggers to try our service and write a short article about it on their blog, including links back to our services.
For security purposes we do require blog owners to place a small blog entry on their site that they are testing our service prior to contacting us. This is to verify that they indeed own the blog.
Once we receive the application for free VPN access, we will initially provide a weekly pass, that will be upgraded to a free yearly subscription once the owner notifies us that the full article has been published.
Bloggers apply here
Free VPN for website owners
If you are a website owner and are willing to place a link back to one of our sites, please sign up below. Be sure to include your website address.
Based on the theme of your website, we will send a link to post on one of your pages. Once the link is visible, notify us and we will send you your free monthly access.
We will send further 1-1 free monthly subscriptions if you notify us that the link was picked up by each of the 3 major search engines:, and Since this is sure to happen if you keep the link on your webpage, a single link will earn you 4 months of free access.
Site owners apply here